New papers out!

von Diezmann L.*, Rog O.* “Let’s get physical – mechanisms of crossover interference.” Journal of Cell Science 2021 134: jcs255745. (*co-corresponding authors) (pdf)

von Diezmann L.*, Rog O.* “Single-molecule tracking of chromatin-associated proteins in the C. elegans gonad.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2021 (pdf) (*co-corresponding authors)

Check them out!

The Rog Lab is 2

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the Rog Lab. What an exciting rollercoaster of a ride. Boundless gratitude to my lab and my colleagues for making it such a pleasure.

New semester

Welcome to our two new rotation students, Supraja and Madi! And belated congratulations to Presley and Bethany for winning the UROP fellowship!


We are funded!

Our MIRA grant to study the organization and dynamics of meiotic chromosomes just got approved. Great thank you to the lab for their help in making this happen.

Stuart is going to Pharmacy School!

Congratulations to the lucky folks at University of Illinois, Chicago, who will have the pleasure of having Stuart as a pharmacy student starting in the Fall.